To stabilize the wall, we usually use one of two methods: the Grip-Tite Push Pier System or the Grip-Tite Helical Pile System. At Foundation Strategies and Construction, no matter how severe the crack is, we have the equipment necessary to get your home back in shape. Cracks tend to get worse over time, so the sooner you get it inspected the better. At Foundation Strategies and Construction, we have certified technicians that can determine whether these warning signs are normal settling or a damaged home structure. When in doubt, always get a professional opinion. We are happy to look over your Foundation Cracks Repair

If you think you’re experiencing foundation cracks due to any of the above issues, give us a call today. Common causes of foundation cracks include: Does this crack mean the strength of the structure is compromised? Will this crack in the ceiling make it fall down on me or my family? These thoughts can be stressful and harmful to your health, which is why we’re here to take the worry off your shoulders. Foundation cracks are especially dangerous because they can trigger a lot of unknowns. The factors that lead to foundation cracks cover a wide range, from minor to serious. They can get worse over time and end up costing you more money down the road, so trust a professional to assess the situation and fix it right the first time. Don’t ignore the signs or any size of foundation cracks. A good rule of thumb is when the crack is larger than 1/16” wide, then it may be an indicator of a foundation problem. The problem is determining if the crack is significant enough that it could be linked to something like a foundation issue. Foundation cracks can be a scary thing to see on your property, especially if they’re starting to grow.